Vaccine Verification

Submissions are now closed, please show your documentation in person.

Use this form to help minimize your time at check-in by uploading your vaccination verification ahead of time.

This is optional, but lets you skip the slowest part of checking in on site by doing it now.

Please use the same information you provided while registering.

This system allows you to check-in faster at MAGFest by verifying your vaccination paperwork ahead of time.

Pre-verification is optional, but you must either upload your vaccine information here or show it to our registration staff on-site to attend MAGFest.

QR Codes

If possible please provide a valid QR code / SHC. These are cryptographically verifiable QR codes generated by accredited health care providers. We are able to automatically verify these, meaning you are more likely to be pre-approved.

NOTE: We do not accept QR codes from Clear and similar self-reported apps.

See the SMART Health Card website for help locating yours. Once you have located the QR code(s) take a photo, screenshot, print to pdf, or otherwise capture it and upload it here.

We also wrote up a short guide to accessing your QR code from the most popular providers in the United States: You can check it out here

Vaccine Cards

If you can't find or don't have a QR code you can upload a photo of your vaccine card or other records showing the vaccinations you received, the dates you received them, and your legal name.

A member of our staff will manually review uploaded paperwork, meaning there will be a delay before you are able to be pre-approved.

Please upload your proof of vaccination:


How will these files be used?

Any files you provide will be uploaded securely to a dedicated server, and retained until either they are successfully verified or 30 days after initial upload, whichever is first.

Images with QR codes will be processed and deleted immediately without human intervention.

Images of handwritten vaccine cards will be reviewed by a MAGFest staff member, then deleted.

The only information stored after verification is whether or not you meet our vaccination requirements.

What is a SMART Health Card?

A SMART Health Card is a QR code that contains information about a person generated by a health care provider or government agency.

They are signed cryptographically by that provider or agency, and can be verified by anyone.

The QR codes with vaccination information contain your legal name and for each vaccination received have a lot number, manufacturer name, type, and date on which it was received.

We compare the vaccination types and dates against the vaccination schedules developed by the United States Center for Disease Control. If they match then we check a box in our registration system that tells our check-in staffer that they don't have to check your information again on-site. All other information is then deleted.

What file types do you accept?

jpg images are preferred.

For automated verification we accept:

  • Images (png, jpg, bmp, svg, tiff, webp, wmf)
  • PDF files
  • Microsoft Word documents
  • Postscript
  • Zip files

For manual verification we will do our best to accept whatever you upload.

I have more questions!

You can reach us at

We have received your information, and will process it soon. We will send an email to the address on file as soon as we finish.

Thank you!

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